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How to Address the Long Term Impact of COVID-19

Written By Native Sun Nutrition & Functional Medicine on September 2, 2021

COVID-19 Native Sun Nutrition & Functional Medicine

Endemic cold and flu strains, like the influenza A (H7N9) - the avian flu - are known to lead to long term health issues, including damage to lungs and other organs. COVID-19 has followed suit, leading to the term “Post Covid Syndrome” (PCS). 

If you suspect that your symptoms of severe breathlessness, fatigue and/or brain fog might be due to PCS, Dr. Caroline Williams urges you to come down to Native Sun Nutrition & Functional Medicine for an evaluation, quality holistic medical care, and nutritional supplement support.

Approximately 14% of COVID-19 Victims Are Still Suffering

The vast majority of PCS sufferers (an estimated 90%) never needed a trip to the hospital to survive the virus, so don’t count yourself out if you were able to tough it out at home. And PCS symptoms aren’t limited to the three aforementioned. 

This syndrome is still being defined as researchers gather data on symptoms that can be definitively linked to the virus. Data also shows that 80% of PCS cases display signs of dysautonomia, which is impairment of the autonomic nervous system. Other symptoms shown to come and go even months later include:

  • Confusion and difficulty concentrating
  • Chills and night sweats
  • Mood changes
  • Joint pain
  • New or worsening headaches
  • Insomnia
  • GI issues
  • Tender lymph nodes
  • Rashes and bruising
  • Blood clots and even strokes
  • Loss of taste and/or smell
  • Chest pain and difficulty breathing

How Dr. Williams Can Help With PCS

Both the virus and lingering symptoms are no joke. Dr. Williams will perform a thorough evaluation to gather objective information that’ll help determine the best course of action to treat your body as a whole and empower your body to fully recover.

This virus is powerful enough to damage cells, causing them to leak genetic material into your bloodstream. Your body interprets that material as a foreign substance and goes on the attack, triggering an autoimmune response. Dr. Williams will work with your body to halt this process and repair damaged cells, which will help resolve your symptoms.

There are many ways to tackle your PCS, ranging from providing nutritional support for immune health and function, reducing inflammation, restoring gut health to replenishing nutrients your body burns through to fight illness and disease. Dr. Williams will guide you through your options and educate you on how to support your body’s natural healing process, potentially making you stronger than before covid.

Get Professional Guidance On Recovering from “Long Covid”

Dr. Caroline Williams is a chiropractic physician with an emphasis on functional medicine. She has been practicing in Las Vegas, Nevada since 2001, and has effectively helped countless patients not only improve their health but also prevent dysfunction and disease from developing.

She takes a scientific approach using objective data from lab work, and specific diagnostics needed to assess each individual based on challenges they are facing along with health history, and lifestyle assessment. Her results with patients speak for themselves, check out her patient reviews here.

Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Please feel free to us at (702) 582-1800 or go online and fill out a contact form. We look forward to helping you.

Posted In: Functional Medicine Nutritional Counseling Holistic Medicine Chiropractic